*Will you be 21 by September 1, 2022?
*Do you have a high school degree or equivalent?
*Will you be able to relocate to New Jersey by September 1, 2022?
*Are you a practicing Catholic?
*Do you have a love for God, the Catholic Church, youth, and sharing your faith with others?
*Participants in the Impact Program will be required, at various times, to travel, lift equipment and supplies, and be on their feet for several hours in a day (at a retreat, for example). Do you have any concerns with your physical ability to perform these tasks?
*Are you permitted to drive in NJ and/or eligible to obtain a NJ drivers license?
*Do you have access to a vehicle you can use for the program?
*Do you have basic computer skills, and an ability to use email and word processing applications?
*Are you interested in living in Household (this is optional: Households will be single-gender, and will include deeper formation in community with housemates)?

For International Applicants Only

Will you need a visa sponsorship?
Do you foresee problems obtaining a visa or visa waiver, or health insurance?
Are you fluent in English?
Do you have anyone that would be relocating to the United States with you?
Are you able to finance relocating to the United States?